Create the Good is a way for us to reach out to our greater community. We collaborate with local charities who are already responding to those in need, and support them with our time and goods.
"Souper Bowl" food collection for our Food Pantry. February 1st-9th.
The Create the Good Committee’s annual canned food (and more) drive for the Corpus Christi Food Pantry is expanding this year to include all three parishes!
“Vote” for your favorite Super Bowl contender with a donation placed on your team’s “Souper Bowl” table in the Gathering Spaces on the weekends of February 1st and 2nd and February 8th and 9th.
If your team wins the big game on February 9th, you could win a Shopping Cents gift certificate!
Stay tuned for more projects!
This ministry enables our parishioners in care facilities to receive the Eucharist, and maintain their connection with our Blessed Trintiy Family. Parishioners in this ministry bring the Eucharist to four local care facilities. We serve Burlington House, The Home at Taylor’s Pointe, Triple Creek Retirement Community, and Sanctuary Pointe.
Interested volunteers are always needed and welcome.
The Fair Trade Marketplace is located in the Corpus Christi Parish Center.
Fair Trade products are sold one weekend a month after each Mass, and are available throughout the month during regular office hours by calling the Parish office. Your purchase of Fair Trade products supports small-scale farmers and artisans throughout the world, who use responsibly-sourced materials in their work.
Every time any Fair Trade product is purchased, it is with the knowledge that the farmer, grower or laborer is receiving fair compensation for his/her work. By cutting out the middleman and selling directly to the Fair Trade Organization, workers throughout the world receive fair wages as well as medical benefits for themselves and their families.
When a loved one leaves this world to enter into eternal life, the loss can be painful to family and friends. Our bereavement ministry assists the family of the deceased in several areas: planning a meaningful and appropriate funeral liturgy, planning and preparing a gathering after the funeral, mailing special correspondence throughout the year, and reuniting at the Feast of All Souls Day Liturgy (November 2).
Volunteers serve in the various facets of this important parish ministry: Planners, Sacristans, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Musicians, Food Coordinators, Food Prep/Service, and Correspondence (funeral booklets/sympathy cards).
Our parishes continue to offer our prayers for our deceased loved ones.
Please know there is help and support if you have experienced a loss. We offer a Grief Support Program to help people working through the loss of a loved one. The program is offered two times a year.
It is an eight-week program, meeting for one hour a week, to discuss the various aspects of grief. Come to share, or just listen. The purpose is to bring the grieving process into focus and provide support for each other, and others who know your pain. The meetings will be held at St. Ignatius.
This program is a joint venture between Mary, Queen of Heaven, Blessed Trinity Family, and St. Ignatius Montfort Heights, although all are welcome.
Please contact Vicki Jung at (513)260-2373 if you are interested or have any questions.
The Benefits of Grief Support
· Verbalizing thoughts and feelings helps you to identify and acknowledge what you are feeling.
· A forum for airing your grief and for seeking direction and support.
· You learn that you have resources within for helping yourself and others by seeing strengths and weaknesses in other people.
· Participants can become friends with people who have suffered losses. This reverses the tendency towards
isolation and provides a sense of belonging.
· It’s a relief to learn you’re not going crazy; you’re just grieving. What you are feeling is normal.
· It may be the only place you can go and feel understood and can express your true feelings (anger, guilt, etc.) without being judged.
· It helps to realize you are not alone in your grief.
· The longer bereaved are models of HOPE.
· There’s a sense of doing something positive about grief.
· You meet people who truly care about you.
The Healing Christ Ministry is a ministry that began in the Spring of 2017 at Corpus Christi Church. This ministry provides Sessions of Prayer for parishioners seeking physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual comfort.
Our Healing Christ Ministry Sessions of Prayer have been scheduled on the FOURTH Wednesday of each month, with Morning Sessions of Prayer are at 9:30 a.m. and 10:10 a.m.
Evening Sessions of Prayer at 6:30 p.m. are by appointment only.
Private Individual Sessions of Prayer have also been scheduled.
Please direct questions about this program to the Parish Office.
Members of this ministry provide extended spiritual and communal support to those Parishioners who temporarily or permanently are required by physicians or family to remain in the confines of their home due to illness, disability, or age considerations.
Volunteers are needed to bring Holy Communion to those members of our community who are unable to regularly attend Sunday liturgy. They also provide support by offering personal visits and telephone calls to those at home. Praying for and with parishioners at home helps them remain connected to our Blessed Trinity Family.
This ministry is of prayer and love for the members of our parish family and their families. During times of emergencies, surgery, illness, or other special needs please call the Parish Office for your intentions to be included in our daily prayers.
ONE INDIVIDUAL/FAMILY PER WEEKEND: We have a Chalice that we loan to an individual or family each week to take home, put in a place of honor, and pray during the week for all vocations- Priests, Deacons, Religious, Lay Ecclesial, Married Couples, and Singles. The Chalice is presented at the end of Mass, or privately to those who request it, along with some materials to support parishioners in their prayers. At the end of the week, the Chalice is brought back to church to be passed onto another family.
The purpose of Prayer Group is to foster a daily relationship with God, to encourage taking our needs to God each day, and to see and share where God is active in our lives. This group meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Corpus Christi Parish Center Chapel.
The St. John the Baptist Parish Library is located in the SJB church, in the room to the right of the main entrance as you walk in. Carts with a selection of adults and children's books in the Gathering Space each weekend for your perusal.
The Library at Corpus Christi is located in the Corpus Christi Parish Center. It is open during normal Parish Office hours.
Both libraries are self-service, and hold books of all topics available for adults and children to borrow.
This ministry is a group of men and women volunteers who regularly clean the churches, including the bride's room, bathrooms, and Gathering Space.
Cleaning at St. John the Baptist is done on Monday from 9:15am-10:30am and Thursday from 2pm-3pm.
Cleaning at Corpus Christi is done on Wednesday mornings from 8am and 10am.
Shelterhouse Homeless Meal Team serves a full meal at the Shelterhouse Homeless Center in Cincinnati on the first Thursday of each month. We have a range of volunteers that assist to provide food supplies, food prep, and, most importantly, meal serving at the Shelterhouse. If you are interested in becoming part of our meal team, we are happy to have you join us! We especially need meal servers at the Shelterhouse.
The Joseph's Group - open to men and women - meets on Thursday morning at St. John the Baptist, from 8:30am-12pm. The group performs minor repairs and improvements for the church and school.
This ministry has volunteers that lovingly prepare and serve dinner to residents of the Tender Mercies shelter in downtown Cincinnati. Volunteers give their time for this ministry on the first Sunday of each month. The Corpus Christi/St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus provides the meals to Tender Mercies on the months that have a fifth Monday. Volunteers prepare and serve the meals. Donations are welcome, as well as volunteer cooks and servers.