Corpus Christi's Annual Cents-ible Raffle
This raffle is a win-win for both our parish and our Blessed Trinity Family School, St. John the Baptist Catholic School. SJB School has sold Shopping Cents gift cards for many years, and a portion of the sale price for the gift cards is returned to the school.
Raffle tickets are $10 each, or 3 for $25.
One lucky winner will win $1,000 worth of Shopping Cents gifts cards to popular stores and restaurants in our area.
You can mail the tickets and payment back to Corpus Christi Church (@014 Springdale Rd., 45231), put them in the collection basket, or drop them off at the Parish Office. Please make checks payable to “Corpus Christi Church”.
Tickets are available at the Corpus Christi Parish Office by following the link below.
The drawing will take place on Sunday, May 19, 2024 after the 10:45am Mass. Please return your tickets by Thursday, May 16, 2024.
2024 Cents-ible Raffle tickets