This is the 13th year the Parish has sponsored our 2500+ Club monthly raffle. We are so grateful to all our parishioners and community members who have supported the 2500+ Club drawings and congratulate all the winners!
The price is $10 for one ticket or $50 for six tickets. Tickets are available below, in the CC Gathering Space and Parish Offices.
New this year… instead of the winner receiving a $100 prize, and the seller of the winning ticket receiving a gift basket ($25 value), we are increasing the prize amount to $125 for each winning ticket and will no longer award the gift basket.
The first drawing of the 2025 Raffle will be an Early Bird drawing in late December 2024 for $125. Future drawings for two $125 winners will occur monthly – January 2025 through October 2025 and December 2025. In November 2025, two $500 winners will be drawn. Remember, your ticket is eligible for every drawing during 2025, even if you were a winner in previous months, including the Early Bird drawing in December 2024. Each winner will receive a check in the mail and will be identified in the weekly parish bulletin.
Tickets and payment may be placed in the enclosed envelope and deposited in the collection basket at Mass or mailed to, or dropped off at, the Parish Office.